Jum'at, 18 April 2008
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta:Masyarakat Profesi Penilai Indonesia (MAPPI) menilai aset negara seharusnya dinilai oleh penilai independen. Ketua Umum MAPPI, Hamid Yusuf, mengatakan penilai independen itu mutlak diperlukan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih tepat dan benar. Tapi masalahnya hingga kini Indonesia belum memiliki payung hukum tentang jasa penilai. Regulasi tentang jasa penilai saat ini baru sebatas Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No 57 tahun 1996 tentang jasa penilaian. Karena itu rancangan undang-undang tentang penilaian yang masih dalam proses penyusunan dapat segera diselesaikan. Dengan adanya jasa penilai independen ini, penilaian aset negara dapat lebih dilakuakn secara transparan . “Sayang sekali kalau terus ada aset-aset negara yang hilang entah kenapa,” kata Hamid. Saat ini penilai pemerintah tersebar di beberapa instansi seperti direktorat jenderal pajak, direktorat jenderal kekayaan negara, dan instansi di bawah pemerintahan daerah. Penilai lainnya adalah Badan Pertanahan Nasional, Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan, dan Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi. (http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/ekbis/2008/04/18/brk,20080418-121591,id.html)
Appraisal SchoolsDistance Learning VS. Classroom
There is a debate on whether distance learning or the more traditional classroom setting is more advantageous. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. In the end it all comes down to the individual's needs and learning styles.
Distance learning is generally cheaper, quicker and much more flexible. Classes are taken either online or correspondence through the mail. The major problem with distance learning is there is no teacher to talk with, little real world experience or much guidance. Having a mentor can really put into focus everything learned during distance learning and is highly suggested.
The more traditional classroom is better for some people. Greater oversight, conversation with real people and developing relationships with fellow students can really make up for the additional time and fees associated with classroom learning. Although more costly and ridged, classroom learning for some is the preferred learning environment.
If you decide that a more hands on classroom approach is best for you your state board has a list of approved classes in your area. If online schooling is preferred google for appraisal education.
WarningsLike working in real estate sales, the entire real estate market in many markets may be 'feast or famine'. Appraisers make great money in the good times but may not make much in the lean times. However, even in slower sales markets, appraisals are necessary for refinancing.
As an inexperienced appraiser, you may be intimidated by mortgage brokers or banks who may want you to appraise a property for more than its worth, but as you develop good clients this scenario is less likely. But as this is a Wiki on HOW to become an appraiser, thats for a different discussion... (Source :http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Real-Estate-Appraiser)