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Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


Penilaian Aset Terhambat

Aparat Pemerintah Sendiri Tidak Peduli dengan Pencatatan Aset Negara

Jakarta, Kompas - Upaya penetapan nilai yang wajar atas aset negara terhambat minimnya acuan yang seharusnya bisa menggunakan aset sejenis sebagai pembanding. Proses penilaian aset menjadi lambat karena tim penilai harus mencari nilai yang wajar hingga ke notaris, yang belum tentu dijamin kebenarannya.

"Misalnya ada sebidang tanah yang akan dinilai ulang, namun kami tidak menemukan tanah lain di sekitar situ. Otomatis, kami tidak memiliki acuan dalam menetapkan nilai tanahnya. Akibatnya, kami harus menghitung secara hati-hati," ujar Direktur Penilaian Kekayaan Negara Departemen Keuangan Iwan Hindawan Dadi di Jakarta, Rabu (7/11), sesudah menghadiri pembukaan Rapat Kerja Nasional Ditjen Kekayaan Negara oleh Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati.
Menurut Iwan, pihaknya tengah merintis induk data yang memuat harga barang berbasis wilayah. Data ini digunakan sebagai acuan bagi siapa pun untuk menetapkan nilai pasar atau nilai terwajar untuk sebuah barang.

"Setiap daerah bisa memiliki standar harga berlainan. Namun, dengan adanya data induk, kami memiliki acuan jelas," ujarnya. Dirjen Kekayaan Negara Hadiyanto mengatakan, kendala lain yang dihadapi ialah rendahnya kepedulian
aparat pemerintah dalam mencatat kekayaan negara di institusinya. Itu terbukti dari sekitar 22.000 satuan kerja (dulu pemimpin proyek) yang belum banyak melaksanakan sistem pencatatan barang milik negara secara tepat. "Kami masih perlu sosialisasi ke kementerian lebih luas," katanya.

Baru Delapan Lembaga

Hingga 6 November 2007, Ditjen Kekayaan Negara telah menilai ulang aset negara yang ada di delapan kementerian dan lembaga, yakni Depkeu, Perpustakaan Nasional, Arsip Nasional, Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup, Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Kementerian Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara, Mahkamah Konstitusi, dan Departemen Agama. Nilai awal aset delapan lembaga itu mencapai Rp 2,15 triliun. Setelah penilaian ulang menjadi Rp 14,46 triliun.

"Posisi sekarang, berdasarkan laporan inventarisasi kementerian dan lembaga nondepartemen per semester I-2007, nilai aset pemerintah mencapai Rp 370 triliun. Jika dilakukan penilaian dan terjadi peningkatan nilai empat kali lipat, maka nilai wajarnya menjadi Rp 1.400 triliun," kata Hadiyanto.

Menkeu Sri Mulyani mengultimatum Dirjen Kekayaan Negara untuk menyelesaikan penilaian aset negara
pada akhir 2008. "Ini janji Dirjen yang saya tagih. Jika tidak, laporan keuangan Ditjen Kekayaan Negara akan mendapat penilaian disclaimer lagi dari BPK," ujarnya. (OIN)

How to Become a Real Estate Appraiser 2


- Prepare to work for little or no money for a while. Having your trainee license only gives you the right to obtain your normal license, which may take a while.
- Have money to support yourself while you have your trainee license.
- Having a second job is a good idea. Many trainee appraisers (and sometimes even experienced appraisers) may have to take a second job to make ends meet in the lean times.
- Don't quit. Work everyday on getting your regular license. If your supervising appraiser doesn't give you any work, find another supervising appraiser.

Comp Checks

After you become a Real Estate Appraiser, you should try to not give into providing "comp checks". This may not make everyone happy, but there are reasons for this.

One reason should be the most obvious; Appraisers do not work for free and are not commission based.

The second reason is that Comp Checks are so heavily abused, that loan officers will call a list of Appraisers and get the highest comp check and order the Appraisal from that Appraiser even though the loan officer knows that the home is not worth the higher amount. To put it simply, this is considered to be mortgage fraud.

The third reason is that most loan officers will not order an appraisal unless they know that the Appraisal will hit the value they need in order to close the loan. Ordering a comp check is another way for them to see if it will hit the value needed. According to Appraisal standards, Appraisers are restricted from performing valuation services with an agreement for a predetermined outcome. I.e..needed value. In most cases a Appraiser knows that if the comp check comes within the value range that is needed for the loan officer to close the loan, then an appraisal will be ordered. This adds pressure to the process from the very beggining, which is bad. Appraisers are supposed to be un-biased, that is after all our job. If the comp check is not within a range, typically a loan officer will not order the appraisal. So what were to happen if a Appraiser eccepted an order if the comp check came within range? Well, most comp checks come with the assumption (on the part of the loan officer) that it will make value no matter what. This assumption is usually placed on the order form and by accepting an assignment as such is breaking Appraisal standards and our Appraisers will not do so under any circumstance.

The fourth reason is that giving any type of value, even a range of values is considered an Appraisal. This means that the comp check would have to meet all the appraisal standards required. Meeting those standards required a considerable amount of extra work that is not typically excercised by the typical Appraiser that performs comp checks. (source :

Bali hotel

About hotel in Bali

penilaian properti

  • ... European seawater therapies and the incomparable touch of Bali’s traditional health, rejuvenation and beauty treatments is The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Thalasso and Spa, an expansive and luxurious destination that redefines the concept of spa experiences in Asia, it not the world.
  • The beautifully landscape beach resort of Nusa Dua, Bali, is home to no less than 15 five star resort hotels, the 18-hole Bali golf & country club and excellent shopping facilities

  • Kuta Bay, Bali, with its long stretch of white sand and brilliant sunset, has attracted swarms of visitors since its rediscovery by surfers and sun worshippers in the 1970s.
  • Tourism development in Bali started from 1975-1979. Nevertheless, rapid growth have begun in 1985-1990as the increasing of investment on tourism destination and accommodation in Bali, particularly since the government of Indonesia established Bali Tourism Development Corporation program in 90-ies.
  • The rapid growth of tourism industry in the Province of Bali gives a significant multiplier effect to the growth of tertiary sectors. As the consequences, tertiary groups (e.g. trading, hotel and restaurant, transportation and communication, financial, rental and various services) contribute dominant share to the regional GDP of Bali province. In facts, in the period of 2001-2002 tertiary sector experienced a contraction growth i.e. 3,29% in year 2001 become 2,47% in year 2002.
  • Bali , the fabled “island of the Gods”, has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich cultural traditions and spectacular panoramas...



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